Patrick Sadler

"Belvaux 2017"

No married couple has lasted as long as our most faithful "mountainous" couple, the "Lëtscheft" and the "Zolverknapp".

The two hills, as inseparable as my polyptych, show us how to live in harmony through the centuries without ever beating each other.

That's why I chose as theme the two topological phenomena most inseparable from the region and can be seen from far already when coming from Luxembourg City to Belvaux.

Exhibition in Belvaux 2017
Exhibition in Belvaux 2017

 Patrick Sadler

Here are some photos that were taken by M.S. during the opening of the exhibition of the artist Patrick Sadler. Each photography can be immediately evaluated by anyone in a comment and with up to 5 stars without registration. Have fun watching them and thank you in advance for any comment.

Authors : Patrick Sadler, Lucienne Deviscour, Lily Treff, MS

Construction in Belvaux 2017
Construction in Belvaux 2017

 Patrick Sadler

Here are some photos that were taken by L.D. during the construction of the exhibition of the artist Patrick Sadler. Each photography can be immediately evaluated by anyone in a comment and with up to 5 stars without registration. Have fun watching them and thank you in advance for any comment.

Author : Lucienne Deviscour

Photos by Val Wagner
Photos by Val Wagner

 Patrick Sadler

Here are some photos that were taken by Val Wagner during the opening of the exhibition of the artist Patrick Sadler. Each photography can be immediately evaluated by anyone in a comment and with up to 5 stars without registration. Have fun watching them and thank you in advance for any comment.

Author : Val Wagner

Carton d'Invitation à Belvaux 2017
Carton d'Invitation à Belvaux 2017

 Patrick Sadler

Sanem 2017 Invitation Card


Invitation card made by the Municipality of Sanem

Author : Patrick Sadler
Presse 2017
Presse 2017

 Patrick Sadler

"The inseparable"

It all began in 1988 when two painters in Strasbourg shared a studio until one day the life of this happy collaboration tore apart. Almost 30 years later, their pictures met in the municipality of Sanem, the town hall of "Bieles", where on July 1, 2017, the inauguration of the monumental painting by the painter Patrick Sadler took place.

The polyptych is composed of eight 1,4m x 1m large paintings to an inseparable panoramic picture, which reminds one of the walls of the 'Musée de l'Orangerie' because of the curvature of the wall. This is all the more important because the town hall has this special form only on one wing of the building.

In 2010, a painter, who in the meantime lived in Paris, invited the other painter to a complete retrospective of Monet at the Grand Palais. It was also obligatory to visit the orangery on the same day. Patrick Sadler, living in Ehleringen, was so impressed with Monet's works on the round walls that he had to humbly acknowledge that such a thing would never happen to him.

But it turned out differently than he believed, because in 2016 came suddenly the job of the Schöffenrat, who first landed in the spam folder of the painter, in retrospect was then read to beautify the renewed wedding hall. When the painter first saw the hall, which also served as the municipal council hall, he did not believe his eyes when he saw a curved wall almost 10 meters long in this room.

The decision to accept the order came immediately and it was followed by the preparation of a long, consisting of eight parts of 70cm x 50cm, long sketch, which the painter took as a template to carry out the larger project. Since in this place the couples would give the vow, the painter chose the two most inseparable, topological figures that are discovered from afar when you travel from Luxembourg City to Belvaux. No couple has endured so long as the two hills "Lëtscheft" and "Zolwerknapp". They show an example of how one can live in harmony through the times without beating each other's heads.

This is especially important as the hall is also used as a municipal council room.

The inauguration of the great work was created with an exhibition of oil paintings and drawings on the subject, which can be viewed on the artist's website.

However, the pictorial panorama from the area has become part of the town hall and can be visited there. His presence transforms the unusual space into a place of peace that breathes calm and balance at the sight.

Text by Lucienne Deviscour

Author : Cliff Schmit
Discours Vernissage 2017
Discours Vernissage 2017

 Patrick Sadler

"Ried fir den Vernissage vum Hochzäitssall / Gemengerotssall"


Léif Konschtfrënn,


Ech hat démols geduert ech hät eng Spamnoricht mat engem Virus op méngem Computer wéi ech eng Mail vum Schäfferot kritt hun, dén mech gefrot huet fir en Projet fir den Hochzäitssall / Gemengerotssall ze machen.


Et kritt én net oft sou eng Gelégenhét an ech hun do och direkt mat enger immens grousser Fréd zougesot. Dobei kennt, dass dén Sall hei eppes ganz besonneges huet:


et ass eng Mauer déi net einfach nemmen richt ass, mä sie mescht eng Kurv vun engem Eck bis op dén aneren.


Besser fir en Panorama vun eiser Géigend duerzestellen hät keng Mauer kenne sinn.


An fir beim Thema Hochzäitssall ze bleiwen hun ech déi 2 onzertrennlechst Gestalten, déi én schon vun weitem entdeckt wann én aus der Staat op Bieles kennt, als Thema geholl.


Keng Koppel huet et nämlech sou lang ausgehall wéi eis trei Koppel, den Lëtscheft an den Zolwerknapp. Sie weist eis wéi én an Harmonie duerch d’Zäiten kann zesummen liewen ouni sech géigensäiteg den Kapp anzeschloen.


Dat ass och wichteg fir wann den Sall als Gemengerotssall benotzt get.


Sou en Projet ze réaliséieren ass nemmen méiglech, wann eng ganz Reih vun Leit én ennnerstetzen:


dofir soen ech dem Schäfferot en rieseg groussen MERCI,


dem Goerges Engel, dem Simone Asselborn-Bintz, dem Marco Goelhausen an,

well et einfach emmer do ass wann én et brauch, dem Myriam Cecchetti, 

dem Service Technique, besonneg dem Armand an dem Déan fir d'Ophänken,

dem Dan an dem Nico, well se beim ganzen Opbau konstant dobei waren an bei allem gehollef hun,

dem Cliff fir déi schéin Invitatiounskart,

an och ganz besonneg ménger Famill en groussen Merci fir hier onendlech Gedold an hier Hellef,

an all den Leit déi den Owend hei sinn,

an all dénen dei d'Bild kucken kommen an et doduerch liewen lossen.

Author : Lucienne Deviscour