Video Playlist
Video Playlist
 Patrick Sadler

Video Playlist

Please find all the artist's videos in one playlist. When you watch the first video clip, the others are automatically played. So you can discover everything without having to do anything.

Nobody knows my trouble
Nobody knows my trouble
 Patrick Sadler

Nobody knows my trouble

This song was recorded during a life performance at the Café "Au Gutenberg" in Strasburg in 1986.
In only a few days 4 musicians had come together under the name “Blue(s)Print” namely Patrick Sadler (vocals, guitar), Jeannot Thomé (guitar), Stéphane (Bass), Bijan (Drums).
The lyrics from the song called "Nobody knows my trouble" were written by Jeannot Thomé. The song was composed and arranged by Jeannot Thomé and Patrick Sadler.
The graphic animations were created by Anna Sadler and Lucienne Deviscour.

All Alone
All Alone
 Patrick Sadler

All Alone

Joint exhibition of Fernand Bertemes, Marc Bertemes, Patrick Sadler, Gérard Claude at the gallery "Op der Kap” in Capellen/Luxembourg.
The soundtrack of this exhibition was recorded in 1998 in one take by Marcel Cornaro (keyboards), Franco Zanon (lead guitar), Patrick Sadler (vocals, guitar), Claude Maas (bass guitar) and Guy Maas (drums).
The lyrics from the song called "All Alone" were written by Gilles Mehlinger and Patrick Sadler. The song was composed and arranged by Patrick Sadler. The exhibition was filmed in 4K and edited by Patrick Sadler.

Reportage 2019
Reportage 2019

 Patrick Sadler

The video report of the exhibition starts at 22'04".

Author : .dok den oppene kanal
The Painting Paradigma
The Painting Paradigma
 Patrick Sadler

"The Painting Paradigma"

This experimental short movie brings up the vision of a novel concept, "The Painting Paradigma", in which an artificial intelligence is painting the painter, a natural intelligence, which is creating the art in the first place.

4517 frames had to be individually processed with 85823 control points that had to be adjusted, so that the A.I. could create the "mask" for reality.

I would like to thank Lucienne Deviscour for the help with the A.I. and "Tinlé" for assisting in editing.

The music track was improvised and recorded by myself.

Many thanks to Jessica David, Christiane Sunnen and Roger Roth for the exhibition and the acquisition of the painting.

Author : Patrick Sadler
LGE 2018
LGE 2018
 Patrick Sadler

"LGE 2018"

Report filmed by Uelzecht Kanal and by MarieJo with an iPhone 6S during the opening of the exhibition.

These video documents are a report from the "Uelzecht Kanal" and an audiovisual trace by MarieJo of Pascal Bermes' speech during the opening of the exhibition.

Authors : Patrick Sadler, Uelzecht Kanal, Lucienne Deviscour
Les Inséparables
Les Inséparables

 Patrick Sadler

"The Inseparables"

Artistic installation filmed with a cell phone just before the exhibition "Les Inséparables" (The Inseparables) at the town hall in Belvaux, Luxembourg.


This document constitutes an audiovisual trace of the hanging of the monumental pictorial project (8 x 1,40 m) and of the exhibition that accompanied it. The soundtrack was composed and recorded by the artist himself.


Author : Patrick Sadler
Les Nénuphars
Les Nénuphars

 Patrick Sadler

"The Water Lilies"

Video clip filmed with an iPhone 6S of the exhibition "Les Nénuphars"


This short video was recorded with an iPhone 6S during the opening hours of the exhibition in the Grand Hall of the Lycée Nic-Biever in Dudelange.The sequences were edited on an iMac and the music accompanying the video clip was composed and recorded by the artist himself.

In this Album you can also view 2 Videos of the Making Of the paintings "How to paint Water Lilies?"


Let it be
Let it be
 Patrick Sadler

Let it be

“Let it be” is an extract from a DVD entitled Classic Rock that you can buy at the “Harmonie d'Ehlerange” shop.
Patrick Sadler plays guitar with the Rock Band “Diario” (Andrea Galetti, Nico Pantaleoni and Fabio Geronzi), the Harmonie d'Ehlerange under the direction of Marco Turci and the presidency of Jean-Jacques Rieff, the choirs "Cercle vocal Belval-Metzerlach" and "Chorale Ste Cécile Strassen" under the direction of Jean Wagner.

When a Model meets a Painter
When a Model meets a Painter

 Patrick Sadler

When a Model meets a Painter


This is a new version of the short video from the 2013 exhibition "When a Model meets a Painter" that took place in the Maggy Stein Art Gallery located within the Bettembourg Castle.


The sequences were edited on an iMac and the music accompanying the video clip was composed and recorded by the artist himself.


Author : Patrick Sadler
When a Model meets a Painter Handy
When a Model meets a Painter Handy

 Patrick Sadler

When a Model meets a Painter

Video clip filmed with a mobile phone from the exhibition "When a Model meets a Painter"


The realization of this video clip was made with a cell phone during the exhibition. The music tracks "Track 6" and "Texas Variation" that accompany the images were recorded by Patrick Sadler in his private studio. The recording of "Nice Acoustic" was made by Patrick Sadler and Jeannot Thomé in an apartment in Strasbourg and the copyrights are reserved to them.


Film Expo 2011
Film Expo 2011

 Patrick Sadler

Film produced by Leo Folschette

Documentary of the 2011 exhibition


Here is a very nice little documentary produced by Leo Folschette about the 2011 exhibition. You will see a small visit of the exhibition and three interviews of the artists allowing to have some brief explanations on their paintings.I would like to thank Leo Folschette deeply for having produced this report. It allows us to keep an audiovisual souvenir making it possible to relive some moments of an exhibition of which, without this film, only a few photographic memories would remain.