Patrick Sadler

"My nose in water lilies"

A body of water shimmering the sky and showing the aquatic world filled with water lilies. It is a carpet of flowers that has been built in relation with several physical elements (the ground where the roots are anchored, the water they cross and on which they float to bloom in the air in photosynthesis with the sun's fire).

Like this haven of peace, my work is a search for timeless peace with the message as altruistic hope to allow less fortunate people to appease their suffering.

A body of water shimmering the sky and showing the aquatic world filled with water lilies. It is a carpet of flowers that has been built in relation with several physical elements (the ground where the roots are anchored, the water they cross and on which they float to bloom in the air in photosynthesis with the sun's fire).

It was at the initiative of my friend painter Fernand Bertemes, who had invited me to go see an exhibition at the Grand Palais in Paris tracing the pictorial career of Monet, that the emotional shock was enormous, especially when we visited beforehand the Water Lilies of the Orangery Museum.

A body of water shimmering the sky and showing the aquatic world filled with water lilies. It is a carpet of flowers that has been built in relation with several physical elements (the ground where the roots are anchored, the water they cross and on which they float to bloom in the air in photosynthesis with the sun's fire).

The subject is a little "tricky", because it is impossible not to confront his work to that of Monet. It is by painting oneself ponds of the region that we finally realize the genius of this painter.

Without any intention of imitation, in front of a pond like Monet hundred years before at the beginning of the first world war, one feels the calm, which emanates from this natural place. There is like a "reliaison" with a set in which one has forgotten that one is part of it. Perhaps over-industrialization has made us lose contact with a nature of which we ourselves are the constituents?

In front of the peaceful radiance of the water lilies, one wants to share visually the pacifying emotion which emanates by the painting. And despite its "old technique" side, oil painting is accessible to all by the look without having to go through the manufacture of a machine to be able to contemplate it.

And in the face of adversity, a pond keeps its soothing spirit, even after being disemboweled, cut in two by a highway and even surrounded by an insurmountable fence not to be invaded by the man, the charm of the water lilies makes it possible to think of a future with a glimmer of hope for a humanity in distress.

This is how the painting of the water lilies was born with a participation of a first work in the exhibition "The bricks of solidarity".

Afterwards, there was a series of sketches, drawings and paintings, which were noticed by Jessica David, director, cultural delegate and curator at the LNBD. Thanks to her commitment, her experience as an exhibition organizer and her cultural knowledge, everything has taken shape. The exhibition takes place in a school, it also allows a young audience to meet contemporary pictorial art.

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